Knowledge Hub

What is air pressure?

  UNDERSTANDING PRESSURE AND FLOW When discussing compressed air systems, pressure and flow are integral parts of how a system will utilise the air. Let's dive into the difference between the two and the nature of the relationship between pressure and rate of flow within a compressed air system.   What is pressure? Pressure is [...]
Knowledge Hub

Ensure your Air Compressor runs Smoothly

  As we begin the new year with soaring hot temperatures, are you confident that your compressed air system can cope? The hot weather can put a lot of stress on your compressed air system and as the temperature starts to rise a number of maintenance issues can occur. here are our top tips on [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

Understanding the Different Air Compressor Types

Purchasing an air compressor isn't a decision to be taken lightly. One would need to consider the type of application this compressor is needed for and any other unique requirements. Selecting the right compressor can save your business a lot of money, energy and time in the long run. Whether you need a general purpose [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

Working Safely with Compressed Air

Compressed air is an energy source, used throughout industries for various purposes. However, if it is not used correctly it can be fatal. Compressed air may be stored in cylinders and air receivers or generated by compressors; and can be delivered via a regulator, air line and air hoses to air tools and equipment. Safety [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

What Size Refrigerated Dryer Should I Buy?

Although it seems obvious, sizing a compressed air dryer is not as simple as merely matching the size of the air compressor. When you are based somewhere like Western Australia, you need to understand that we have a wide range of temperatures over the year so you need to ensure that your dryer can perform [...]
Knowledge Hub

Maintaining Your Peace of Mind

Let’s face it. At some point, no matter how high quality the product is, equipment or machinery will break down. Breakdowns can have major impacts on the efficiency of your production which in a worst-case scenario, can cost your business thousands of dollars. While breakdowns are inevitable, regular and professional air compressor maintenance assures the [...]
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The Potential Dangers of Air Receivers

Are the potential dangers of air receivers just a bit of hot air? When comparing electricity or gas compressed air and air receiver systems, you’d be forgiven for thinking that compressed air presents very little danger. However, the reality is that compressed air brings its own set of serious issues to deal with. Air receiver tanks, in particular, present [...]
Knowledge Hub

Can Your Compressed Air Dryer Cope This Summer?

Overheated System = Production Down Time   Like us, your compressed air system can sweat in the warmer months! Air Dryers can act as an air conditioner to your airline; eliminating condensation due to humidity, and therefore preventing damage to your expensive equipment. As the months get hotter some compressed air dryers don’t function as [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

Why Your System Needs A Compressed Air Dryer

A Compressed Air Dryer is used for removing water vapour from compressed air. Humidity is a component of atmospheric air, which can be found in the form of condensate and/or vapour in compressed air distribution systems and the machines that use the compressed air. If the condensate can be easily separated and discharged, humidity, in [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

10 Things to target during an air audit to ensure compressed energy savings

Compress Energy Costs through Air Audit With the rapidly escalating cost of electricity, there is an increasing focus within industry on the energy consumption of air compressor systems. As an un-maintained system can be wasting as much as 50% of a compressor’s output, it is important to ensure that your system is operating at its [...]
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